Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

Anyone who is a school/Inter PU/college (UG only) student can participate through their educational institution.

Can interested students register themselves?

No. IAC registrations can be made only by schools or colleges. If no announcement about IAC is made from their institutions, Interested students share about IAC to their principal/art teacher/any staff.

What type of artwork can be submitted?

The participant can only submit an artwork that is related to the topic of the category in which they are eligible to participate.

Can a participant submit more than one piece of artwork?

A participant can submit only one artwork.

When and where does IAC take place?

IAC is set to take place on 31 August 2024. If a school or college registers 75 or more participants, IAC can take place at their institutions. Institutions with fewer participants will be notified of nearby venues.

Should the participants bring their art supplies?

Yes. The participants can create their artwork with any tactile colouring or sketching materials, such as pencils, crayons, pastels, poster colours, acrylic, oil paint, etc, so they shall bring the necessary colouring/sketching materials for the content. Each participant registered for IAC will be given two A3 sheets for creating their artwork.

How can a school/college register its students?
  • Image Group’s representatives are spread across south India, and actively promote Image Art Challenge at schools and colleges like yours. Once they visit your school, they'll guide you further.
  • If Image Group’s representative hasn't visited your institution yet, call 7825835148, and our representative will visit your institution.
  • Designate a staff member, who will be a Single Point of Content (SPOC) and collaborate with Image Group's representative.
  • Get the list of interested students from your institution, and collect the entry fee from each interested participant.
  • Register your institution on the website by creating a login.
  • Upload your participant details using the login and complete all their payments by August 26.

Note: You can do it in one shot, or login in any number of times to register a participant.

  • After the registrations close, a single and cumulative bill for all your registrations will be sent to your institution’s registered email.
What should be done if met with a problem during registration?

The Single Point of Contact shall intimate the discrepancies faced during the registrations to Image Group’s Creative Engagement Strategist who is in contact with them.

When will the participation certification be provided?

After the competition is over, a participation certificate for all entries will be sent to the registered school/college.

Are there any restrictions on the subject matter of the artwork?

There is no limitation on creative freedom, except for a few. Your artwork must not:

  • Promote illegal behaviour
  • Support racial, religious, sexual, or other invidious prejudice
  • Advocate sexual or violent exploitation
  • Violate rights established by law or agreement
  • Invade the privacy of any person or be otherwise inappropriate, as determined by Population Connection in its sole and conclusive determination.
If someone is registered to IAC but didn’t submit their artwork, is the entry fee refundable?

No. Refund can’t be claimed if a registered participant didn’t participate on the day of contest and submit the artwork.

How can the entry fee be paid?

The Single Point of Contact should collect the entry fee of Rs. 100 to from interested students via UPI or direct cash. Then, while registering them, the Single Point of Contact should pay for that students through the available payment gateway.

Can the entry fee of a student be paid to Imageminds Representative directly?


Should the registration of students be done in a single shot?

No. The registrations are open until August 26. So, after creating a login, the Single Point of Contact can register students in bulk or individually by using the login any number of times, until the registrations close.

When will the results be announced?

The contest will take place on August 31. Our representative will collect and send us all submitted artworks. Once we receive all the artwork from all participating schools and colleges, our jury will validate the entries. The results will be announced after that.

How will the prize be given to the winners?

After 2 weeks of results announcements, a Prize Distribution Ceremony will be held at Chennai, to award the first, second and third prize, and the special prize winners in each category. The institutions of the respective winners will be notified about the same via their registered email.

How will be the Bonus prize and trophies be given?

Image Group will be sending the the intuitions with 250+ registrations, the bonus prize and certificates for the best entry from eligible categories and a trophy for the participating instituition after the prize distribution ceremony.

What if the cash prize winner doesn’t have a bank account to receive the prize money?

If the winner of Image Group's events or contest is under the age of 18 and does not have a personal bank account, the cheque will be designated for their parent or guardian. In that event, the school/college should authorise the recipient account holder, verify their relationship to the winning participant, and provide us with the necessary information.

Is there a minimum limit for registrations from Schools or College?

No, there is no minimum limit to the number of registered students at each participating school or college.

However, there are few benefits for institutions with more registrations.

  • Over 250 registered students:
    • A trophy for the institution.
    • Bonus gifts and winner certificates for the best entries from eligible categories.
    • Image Group’s 1 free grade-wise Art-Integrated Creative Engagement Workshop for students. (Eligible grades: 1 to 8; Date: Any day between September 15 and November 30).
  • Up to 75 registered students: Eligibility to become an IAC venue for your students.
What if my institution is able to register only 74 students or less?

If your institution has only 74 registered students or less, they shall participate in the IAC contest at a venue nearest to your institution. We will share its details with you after the registrations close on August 26.

Is there a maximum limit for registrations from schools or colleges?

No, there is no maximum limit to the number of registrations from school/college. Any interested student from your educational institution can participate in his/her eligible category.

The contest is set to take place on August 31 (Saturday).

Educational institutions that are eligible to be an IAC venue for their students shall allocate adequate space for accommodating all of their registered students for participating in the contest.